I Am Darkness

I am the darkness

I am that being that puts the chill in your bones

The breath on the back of your neck
I am the very definition of evil 

A succubus

Don’t tempt me 
Betrayal beckons 

No one ever came for me

As no one will come for you
I am the scream of terror in the night 

The shadow in the trees

The creaking in your home at night
I am your invisible enemy

Just watching 

Waiting for my opportunity to feed 
I am your worst nightmare 

The dark cloud hanging over your thoughts

The sounds of the night that instill fear


Why can’t I have what you have
I deserve it just as much
Why am I left with nothing
While your life is full of luck

Why must I work so hard
To never get anywhere
Whilst you have everything handed to you
Its almost too much to bare

Why can’t we switch lives
And you can walk the mile
While I lay back
And torture you with my smile

Why can’t I just enjoy what I have
Can I ever be happy with me
I just wish I didn’t feel this way
And i wish I wasn’t so green